The FBI alleges that DC Solar ran $800 million Ponzi-type scheme using lure of big federal tax credits - Bloomberg
Whitebox Founder Departs As Firm’s Bankruptcy Focus Grows - WSJ
Venezuela Is Said to Default on Gold Swap With Deutsche Bank - Bloomberg Editors Exit in Ongoing Shake-Up - The New York Times
SEC Sues Kik Over $100 Million Token Sale - WSJ
China’s Auto Dealers Need to Sell $72 Billion Worth of Cars This Month - Caixin Global
Kik and the SEC: What’s Going On and What Does It Mean for Crypto? – Andreessen Horowitz
GameStop Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2019 Results - total global sales decreased 13.3%, consolidated comparable store sales decreased 10.3%
GameStop stock falls as sales fall short and dividend eliminated
Tracy Alloway: "Something that hasn't happened before: the share of BBB-rated debt in the U.S. corporate bond market has eclipsed the proportion of AAA/AA/A debt. Via Bernstein"
Lisa Abramowicz: "When the credit cycle turns, UBS’s Matt Mish estimates peak losses in US leveraged loans near 7%, high yield 7-7.5%, & middle market/private credit 11-12%. He estimates that speculative-grade losses could approach $455 billion, or 2.2% of US GDP: report sent around today"