USA TODAY's examination of public capital spending data and research compiled by Susquehanna International Group found Sears and Kmart spent 91 cents in capital expenditures per square foot in the fiscal year that ended in February. In contrast, Best Buy invested $15.36 per square foot in its most recent fiscal year.
David’s Bridal Moves Closer to Debt Restructuring, S&P Says - WSJ | SEC Shuts Down $102 Million Ponzi Scheme
PetSmart Lenders Seek to Block Company’s Move to Strip Guarantee - WSJ
Exclusive: GameStop in talks with buyout firms after drawing interest - sources | Reuters
Starbucks says it will close 150 stores next year
Toys 'R' Us reaches deal with creditors on bankruptcy terms | Reuters
New & Notable Current Reports Filed with the SEC for Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
New Quarterly & Annual Reports Filed With the Securities & Exchange Commission for Wednesday Jun 20, 2018