Here's what we are reading this morning:
Mallinckrodt May File for Bankruptcy, Undercutting Opioid Settlement
HighPoint Resources Corporation Warns of Risk of Covenant Breaches
Shale Driller Sells Gas Fields for 10th of What It Paid in 2016 - Bloomberg
Stacey Widlitz: "For $RL (June qtr) Covid shows full quarter of devastation. NA comps -64%, store comps -77% while digital only +3%. Wholesale down a jaw dropping 93%"
Virgin Atlantic Seeks Rescue Approval as Cash Running Out - Bloomberg
Virgin Atlantic declares bankruptcy as pandemic rips apart airlines - Business Insider
TNT Announces Agreement on Definitive Plan to Strengthen Balance Sheet
Knotel defaulted on its Manhattan rent at a building owned by Brooks Brothers CEO
Office Markets Under Pressure as Coronavirus Squeezes Cities - WSJ
One-Third of New York’s Small Businesses May Be Gone Forever - The New York Times
Small Business Credit Survey - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
The effects of COVID-19 are beginning to reach the tech industry - Axios