Once a 'stonk,' Hertz reveals dilemma companies face in Reddit frenzy | Reuters
Americans take to 'buy now, pay later' shopping during pandemic, but can they afford it? | Reuters
Malls Spent Billions on Theme Parks to Woo Shoppers. It Made Matters Worse. - WSJ
University of Chicago Law School Professors Anthony J. Casey, M. Todd Henderson, and Joshua C. Macey, "GameStop and Robinhood: What's Going On and What It Means"
SoftBank posts a quarterly profit of $11 billion to end a turbulent 12 months. - The New York Times
IWIRC Upcoming Virtual Events
More than 5% of Americans didn’t pay rent, mortgage in December due to Covid pandemic
NMHC Rent Payment Tracker Finds 88.6 Percent of Apartment Households Paid Rent as of January 20
COFINA Plan of Adjustment affirmed by 1st Circuit Court of Appeals
Valaris Bankruptcy Deal Settles Fight Between Lenders and Bondholders
CM/ECF for the Delaware Bankruptcy Court will be unavailable starting 7 am Friday 2/12 through 8 am Tuesday 2/16
Delaware Bankruptcy Court Determines that Section 546(e) “Financial Participant” Does Not Exclude Debtors, Splitting from SDNY Decision | Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
"Fairness and Flexibility: Understanding Corporate Bankruptcy’s Arc" by Stephen J. Lubben | University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law
Student Loan Giant Navient Faces Attempt to Push Its Servicing Unit Into Bankruptcy
U.S. Junk-Bond Yields Drop Below 4% for the First Time Ever - Bloomberg
NRA Examiner Motion - Credit Slips
It’s never posted an annual profit in its 11-year history; it warned last year it could go bankrupt; it’s losing market share, pulls in anemic revenue and has churned through management in recent years. The stock is up 3,000%. - Bloomberg
Catholic schools in the U.S. see a major enrollment drop during the pandemic - The New York Times