Signa, co-owner of Chrysler Building, files for bankruptcy: Signa’s holding company in Austria said it would apply to a Vienna court to begin insolvency proceedings, and start a reorganization of the group.
Bankrupt Bed Bath & Beyond Seeks $300 Million From MSC Line for Pandemic Shipping Charges - WSJ: The bankruptcy estate wants the world’s biggest ocean container mover to pay for pandemic disruptions.
In First for A U.S. Appeals Court, 5th U.S. Circuit Court Considers Rule Requiring Lawyers to Certify they Did Not Rely on AI to Create Filings | LawSites: Lawyers and other filers would be required to certify either that they had not used AI in drafting the document or that, if they did, “a human” had reviewed the document for accuracy. While at least 14 federal trial courts have adopted AI-related rules of some sort, this appears to be the first instance of such a rule being considered by a federal appeals court.
Zipmex Restructuring Plan Offers Creditors 3.35 Cents on the Dollar: Report: Major creditors are opposed to the restructuring plan and have requested an independent review.