Middle-Market Loan Defaults May Jump to 10% Amid Shutdowns - Bloomberg
US Trustee Says Past Pot Biz Enough For Ch. 11 Dismissal - Law360
WSJ Survey: Coronavirus to Cause 17% Unemployment in June - WSJ
Rick Green (Bloomberg): Houlihan Lokey CEO Scott Beiser during earnings call: "New engagement activity is running at almost double our recent monthly run rate as the pandemic has greatly increased the number of troubled situations and the speed at which solutions are needed."
Negative equity on trade-ins jumps to record, Edmunds says
Houlihan Lokey Sees Restructuring Work Jump During Pandemic - WSJ
California Resources in Talks for Up to $600 Million Bankruptcy Loan - WSJ
Goldman Sachs Now Sees U.S. Jobless Rate Peaking at 25%, Not 15% - Bloomberg
Hornbeck Offshore Announces Launch Of Solicitation Of Votes On Comprehensive Prepackaged Restructuring Transaction With The Support Of The Requisite Majorities Of The Voting Creditors In-Hand
Intelsat Undertakes Financial Restructuring to Pave the Way for Future Innovation and Growth