Bankrupt San Jose Hotel Wants Ex-Manager Accor Branded as Bad-Faith Actor: The owner of the 805-room Silicon Valley luxury hotel said Accor wants to send a message to other property owners that it won’t tolerate efforts to dump it as a hotel manager.
18th-century Patent Law Doctrine and the Ultra Petroleum Make-Whole and Post-Petition Interest Dispute | Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP - JDSupra: Sounds like an odd combination—enforceability of make-whole and post-petition interest and patent law. It is. But relevant nonetheless. Recall that a key argument in the ongoing Ultra Petroleum dispute regarding the noteholders’ entitlement to make-whole and post-petition interest is the existence of the Solvent Debtor Rule. The Solvent Debtor Rule is a judicially created exception to the prohibition on claims for post-petition interest by unsecured creditors in bankruptcy.
Jon Henes to Launch Strategic Advisory Firm: Jon Henes is leaving Kirkland & Ellis to start a strategic advisory firm focused on the intersection of business, law, politics, social justice and diversity
Current Reports (Form 8-K) Filed With the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Regarding Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation (Item 2.04) for the Week Ended Wednesday Jul 14, 2021: