U.S. Hospitals Face Financial Reckoning as Federal Aid Dwindles - Bloomberg: The billions of dollars of aid the U.S. government distributed to hospitals during the pandemic -- including advances in Medicare payments -- kept struggling facilities afloat, but papered over longstanding problems.
Broken Supply Chains Threaten Ruin at a Growing Number of Small Firms - Bloomberg: Mattress sellers, flooring manufacturers and makers of clean energy equipment are warning that stretched supply chains and runaway freight bills have pushed them to the brink of ruin. Unlike global giants, they don’t have the cash and scale to hire their own cargo ships or pass on the soaring expenses, forcing them to seek private bailouts.
The Great Shopping Reset: How the Pandemic Helped Fix the Retail Industry - WSJ: Profits are exceeding 2019 levels at retailers ranging from Macy’s to Ralph Lauren, with chains that restructured or shed money-losing locations boasting stronger balance sheets.
Is Nash Engineering the Latest Company Bankrupted by Asbestos Litigation? | Husch Blackwell LLP: On October 19, 2021, Nash Engineering filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut. If Nash Engineering’s petition for relief is approved, this will spell the end of the 100-year-old corporation.