Notice of New Chief Bankruptcy Judge: Judge Jeffrey J. Graham becomes Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana on August 1st
Container Rates to U.S. Top $10,000 as Shipping Crunch Tightens - Bloomberg: Container shipping rates from Asia to the U.S. and Europe increased to new record levels over the past week, ensuring transportation costs will stay elevated for companies heading into a peak season for rebuilding inventories
Green-Tech Startups Are Getting Fresh Wave of Cash - WSJ: Investor and government funds are pouring into clean tech years after the failures of Solyndra and A123 Systems chilled early enthusiasm for green investing.
Tech Workers Who Swore Off the Bay Area Are Coming Back - The New York Times: Critics said the pandemic would make the industry flee San Francisco and its southern neighbor, Silicon Valley. But tech can’t seem to quit its gravitational center.
The Norwich Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection: A copy of the voluntary bankruptcy petition filed by The Norwich Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation today and a list of other diocesan Chapter 11 filings since the start of 2018
Why salad bars may never come back | CNN: Grocers and analysts say a combination of factors has kept stores from rushing to bring back their salad bars: Customers are now buying more groceries online and working more from home than they were before the pandemic, reducing the need for quick mid-day trips to salad bars. Some customers have also moved away from them out of sanitary concerns.
Current Reports (Form 8-K) Filed With the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Regarding Material Impairments (Item 2.06) for the Week Ended Thursday Jul 15, 2021: